HyperZord’s Top Ten TV List 2011

If you read CitizenBot’s post he had a good thing at the beginning basically saying that this list is solely my thoughts on the year of TV and do not have to do with what everyone else on the site thought. I do like separating things into different lists, and so right now I present my top ten seasons of television that occurred this year. Also before anyone asks, I watched one episode of American Horror Story and instantly knew it wasn’t my kind of show, I’ve never liked Horror Stories, and I even though I liked the final reveal, I’m just not that big a fan of The Walking Dead.

10. The League —

In it’s third season The League has become less of a show about football and more of a really funny comedy that uses football as the vessel to propel humor. The cast of characters have really found a good groove and they’ve had some amazing guest stars including Sarah Silverman pictured above. Each season has gotten better and this season was fantastic.

9. China, IL —

Brad Neely created my favorite movie of all time, “Wizard People, Dear Reader.” So when I found out he was doing China IL on Adult Swim I was very excited. There were only six episodes and I wish there were more, the tenure episode was the best followed by the Ronald Reagan episode. Neely is a genius.

8. Curb Your Enthusiasm —

In it’s eighth season Curb is still as good as it ever was. Larry David is an incredibly funny man and the whole season is based on one joke of not wanting to go to an event and so making the excuse you’ll be in New York for two months. New York gives the show a good new backdrop and even had a guest appearance from the Mayor of NYC.

7. Game of Thrones —

Appearing on basically every top ten list and rightly so is Game of Thrones. I have not read the books so every episode is new to me. The final scene of the last episode was probably my favorite moment of the series. Tyrion Lanister is the best character.

6. Children’s Hospital —

I watched all of Children’s Hospital this year so it’s hard for me to take out parts of the third season against the rest of the series, but the writing on this show is crazy and yet really satisfying. Every actor on the show has a great future.

5. Justified —

I think I might like season 2 a bit more then season 1 and the big reason for that is Margo Martindale pictured above. Her and her sons played such a good over arching villains role. Season 3 is about to start and I’m incredibly excited.

4. Archer —

This show is up there with the Venture Brothers for amazing cartoon series. Created by the guys who did Sealab 2021 is this super spy show which is a lot more consistent then their earlier ventures. Jon Benjamin is one of the greatest voice actors around and it really shows.

3. Doctor Who —

The reveal at the end of the mid season was so good. There aren’t many shows that I need to watch the moment it comes out but this one I can’t help myself. Steven Moffat is such a good writer and Time Travel is easily one of my favorite genres. If you haven’t started you need to get into this series.

2. Breaking Bad —

I don’t know if there’s any show which has made me feel more tense then Breaking Bad has this season, there’s a moment and I won’t spoil it too much where Walt is underneath the house that is one of the most beautiful and shocking scenes of the entire show. The run of about six episodes to end out the season were so perfect and I just needed to pay attention to every moment that was happening. Walter is becoming so evil and I love him for it.

1. Community —

With the end of season 2 and the beginning of season 3 both airing in 2011 there’s no way I couldn’t choose Community. This show is the best thing on television right now. If you’ve seen the episode that this picture is from you’d be hard pressed to disagree with me. Any show that can pull off something as ambitious as the Yahtzee episode deserves to stay on the air. I’ve gotten people getting angry at me for saying this but I like Community more then Arrested Development.