Marvel Announces “Fear Itself” Event!

“Fear above all else seems to be the great motivator” – Joe Quesada

Marvel held a press conference today to announce their summer event for 2011.   Joe Quesada started off the conference talking about times being tough with the economy, divides in belief, and other things to be afraid of. This led to the announcement of “Fear Itself,” a seven issue mini series starting in April written by Matt Fraction and drawn by Stuart Immonen.  There is also a prologue issue in March written by Ed Brubaker and drawn by Scott Eaton. The Marvel Universe will refelct what is happening in the real world and what happens when despair becomes the norm. Will heroes fall to fear? Or will they rise up? The story will follow the Marvel Heroes against the God of Fear. The best we have to offer against the worst of the gods.

They showed a teaser video followed up with some words from Matt Fraction about the event.

We were then asked, “Who will be the 8 most worthy on the planet?” But were left at just that tease.

We were told “There is a concealed act at the heart of the Marvel Universe that once revealed will change everything,” which I believe will be revealed in the “Fear Itself” prologue which is set in World War II and involves Captain America, Namor, and the Invaders. The dominoes for this event have been in motion and setting up for almost 2 years. Some will be obvious and some won’t.  This will involve the entire Marvel Universe. From the X-Men to Dracula and the Hulk.

The price point will be 3.99 for the mini series, with a 45 page first issue. If you want the core story all you will have to read is the mini series. However it will be spilling over into the rest of the MU with tie-ins, one shots, and ancillary mini series. None of the required to get the story, but will enhance the experience telling you what is happening with the characters you choose to follow. Tom Brevoort said  “We’re trying to build each tie-in to tell a solid story in and of itself that feeds into the larger story.” Overall it will have about the same amount of tie-ins as Secret Invasion.

The  floor was opened to questions from the press in attendance and twitter. These were taken from’s live blog of the event.

Q: How much political and societal stuff is going into the story?
A: You will absolutely see the real world interject itself. It’s undeniable that there’s a certain something in the air right now. Tapping into that is what we do at Marvel and it brings out the best in our creators. But it’s all through the eyes of our heroes.
Q from Twitter: What characters will be involved? Captain Britain? Phobos?
A: Secret Warriors might be a good bet for Phobos. Captain Britan and Nightmare–a little early, but we’re getting closer, so information will be coming out.
Q: How does this tie into the first arc Avengers with the map of time? (Seen in Avengers #5)
A: Go back to that map and you will already see some portents; you’ll see more once Fear Itself starts.
Q: Is this already the end of the Heroic Age?
A: Our characters have always battled the darkness around us. The threats they’ve faced have never been a game of Tiddly Winks. This is a major challenge our characters will face. It’s not a movement back to darkness and death, though there will certainly be some of that.
Q: How much politics will we see in this story?
A: If we do our job right, we will see a lot of ourselves and our humanity in this story, and Matt Fraction is the right guy here who is very in tune with politics, social issues and morality, and every creator also has their own views, which makes it fun.
Q: Will what’s going on with FF tie in to Fear Itself?
A: Whatever’s left of the Fantastic Four will be involved
Q: How long have you been seeding Fear Itself?
A: Around 18 months to two years. It will become more clear.
Q: Will this affect any of Fraction or Immonen’s other books?
A: Matt will continue on Thor and Iron Man, Kieron Gillen is helping him out on Uncanny X-Men. Stuart is coming off New Avengers to do Fear Itself.
Q: Will Steve Rogers be back as Cap ala the teaser image?
A: Right now Bucky is involved in a trial. This image could mean anything. Don’t count Bucky out too quick.
The conference was wrapped up shortly after that. I’m not quite sure if I’m excited or not for the event, but I am interested enough in checking it out.