PREVIEW: New Ultimates #4

Marvel was kind enough to send us our first look at New Ultimates #4 this morning and I wanted to share it with you.  Not because I think the book is great.  In fact, I had it axed from my hold after 2 issues.  The art is very, very pretty and I love Frank Cho, and there are a couple of preview pages here that are pretty stunning.

And usually I love Jeph Loeb, but his foray into Ultimate comics has been lackluster, to say the least.  His work in the Batman universe is second to very few, if any, and it’s difficult for me to see one of my favorite writers on Batman, struggle so hard in the Marvel Universe (both in 616 with Hulk, and here in the Ultimate Universe).

But New Ultimates bored me.  It bored me to tears.  I love Frank Cho’s art, but without a cool story (or even a passable one) I couldn’t stay on board.

But I must say, these pages are making me second guess my decision.  Though my biggest problem is that the Ultimate Universe during its first decade felt like one cohesive place, but with Mark Millar’s Ultimates books, and Brian Michael Bendis’ Spider-Man books, Loeb’s stories seem oddly out of place.

My proposal?  They should let Jeph Loeb create the 626 universe or something and let Bendis and Millar carry the Ultimate torch and rebuild it into something that’s great.

Here’s what came in the press release with the pages:

Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #4, from the superstar creative team of writer Jeph Loeb and artist Frank Cho! IT’S THOR VS. THE ULTIMATES!  Thor’s returned from the underworld, but that’s not good news—he’s on a rampage! When he discovers the depths of Loki’s treachery, Iron Man, Captain America or Hawkeye won’t be able to stop him! How do you put down a god gone mad? Find the answers in Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #4!


Written by JEPH LOEB

Art & Cover by FRANK CHO

Parental Advisory …$3.99

On-Sale – 10/13/10

But without further ado, here are Frank Cho’s pages: