Out Today on DVD and Blu-ray 1/12/10

 8andahalfThere’s a lot of interesting things this week, but we’ll start with the Blu-ray of Fellini’s 8 1/2 by the Criterion Collection.  This is perhaps one of the greatest films ever made and there’s something to behold when black and white is properly transferred to HD.

Next we have Rian Johnson’s follow-up to his masterpiece Brick in The Brothers Bloom.  Sure, it had some problems with the script, but it was one of the best 5 act movies I’ve seen in a long time.  It was funny and smart, well-acted and generally a treat.

And while I didn’t think Moon was a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, I did find it to be a very competent and entertaining piece of sci-fi.  Sure it had some plot holes and the ending didn’t work all that well and barely made sense, but Sam Rockwell really knocked this one out of the park.  This is a must for any sci-fi fan or fan of independent cinema.

The Simpsons Season 20 comes out today which, to me, says one of two things.
Either they skipped over seasons 13-19 because Fox admits that the quality of the show dropped off, or because they were just too damned excited to make some money off of a Blu-ray Simpsons release.  In either case, we have it now.

The last one I’ll mention today is The Hurt Locker.  I haven’t seen it, but it’s making everyone’s Top Ten lists and is something I’ve been meaning to see. Now I’ll have a chance.