Expect Abrams ‘Star Trek’ Sequel in June 2012


Oh 2012, how far away you seem.

Paramount has announced that we can expect a follow-up to JJ Abrams’ blockbuster reboot of Star Trek on June 29 of 2012. Of course, this early in the game no confirmed villain has been announced –  though, the entire cast is expected to return.

I for one am all about giving Abrams the time he needs but 2012 just seems so far away now. Good thing we will have plenty of movies like Marvel and DC offerings to keep us entertained (maybe) until then. So, it looks like at least for the next 2.5 years the debate will continue, who will make the best villain for the follow up? Kahn? Klingons? Borg? Maybe the Ferengi? (I’m kidding on that last one…)

Let us know in the comments who you would like to see! I know it’s very “Next Generationy”, but I personally think Abrams should leave well-enough-alone with Kahn (not that I don’t have faith in him) and go with the Borg. Just imagine what kind of badassness Abrams could do with them? I mean, I know that supposedly first contact with the Borg wasn’t made until TNG era, but he’s already messed with the timeline, so why not?!