‘LOST’ Promo, “The Last Supper” Style!

ABC has released two new promo photos for the upcoming final season of LOST that features the cast recreating “The Last Supper” (more or less). Of coure, Locke is in Jesus’ spot, and -interestingly enough- Sayid is in Judas’ spot. So perhaps Sayid plays a major role in the last season of LOST? Of course, message boards and forums are claiming that these pictures are just riddled with clues. The creaters of LOST by design have revealed very few promos in any form for the final season, which makes sense considering how last season ended. Any promo could potentially give away things that happened after the white flash. Just as likely though, these promo pics are just meant to begin stirring up all of us LOST fans to get us talking and speculating again before the final season starts.

The final season of LOST begins on ABC on Tuesday, February 2nd. Once again this year, be sure to check here at BSR! for Arse-bot and Proletariatron’s theories, breakdowns, and thoughts of each LOST episode every Wednesday and be ready to sound off in the comments!

