Out Today on DVD and Blu-ray 12/29/2009

This is an incredibly light week with only a couple of things worth noting.  The first release I’d like to point out is Shane Acker’s 9.  (Buy “9” on Amazon).  This was an amazing film to look at and if you want to watch it, you pretty much have to do it on Blu-ray.  The story was pretty limp, but the visuals were stunning.

Next on the list is Paranormal Activity.  I didn’t see it and horror movies aren’t my thing, but I had a lot of fun making a parody video of it with the comedian Marcus (which you can watch here.)

The last thing I’d like to point out today is a cheap knock-off version of Princess of Mars.  They’re marketing it as “Based on the story that inspired Avatar” though I figure they’d make more money releasing it near the time Pixar’s John Carter movie comes out and confusing people with a similar logo.  In any case, Antonio Sabato Jr. is the lead and it looks wonderfully terrible.